Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Mother to the Motherless

In Christianity, there are times when we are guilty of saying things we don't fully understand. The phrases we heard the old deacons utter during devotion become a part of our lexicon--we never take the time to research exactly what they mean.

However, there is one phrase I know well:

"God, You are a mother to the motherless."

As I look back over the last fourteen years, I am blown away by God's hand on my situation. My mother died at the beginning of my adolescent years--at a time when I had way more questions than answers. And as much as I was grateful to have an awesome father, there are some things only a woman knows. Some special women stepped up to the plate, teaching me how to become the best woman I can be.

"Mommae" Sherry taught me how to be a bargain shopper. To this day, I rarely buy things that are not on clearance.

Aunt Lee taught me how to arch my eyebrows. Let's all breathe a sigh of relief that I no longer have a "unibrow."

Aunt Dy taught me how to cook....well, let me rephrase that. Aunt Dy taught me that I CAN cook because it is in my DNA. I just don't want to.

My beautiful Woodberry cousins showed me how to juggle it all. You can be a wife, mother, have a career and serve the Lord, all while looking FIERCE.

Aunt Cat taught me that I'm not crazy; I am just Regenia's child.

Mothers to the motherless.

To every woman out there who shared reassuring words, a comforting hug or just spoke my name in their prayers at night; to every woman who believed not in me, but what God could do through me, I say thank you. I do not have the words to adequately describe what you mean to me, but I will do my best to let my life express my gratitude.

To my mother--my inspiration, my heroine, my love--thank you. Most people say I have your intellect, your mannerisms or your wit...and all of that is true. However, I pray my heart and my spirit are even half as beautiful as yours. That, mommy, is why people still come up to me and share the many ways you touched their lives. That is why your name still resonates in the halls of the Liberal Arts Building at UCO. That is what makes me smile when I feel like crying. That is your legacy--the greatest gift of all.

Happy Mother's Day.

Be Encouraged,


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