Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 11: Someone I Don't Talk To As Often As I'd Like

Dear God,

First of all, I love you.

I once heard a minister say our first and last thought of everyday should be to you. I try--there are days when you consume my thoughts morning, noon and night.

Then, there are other days....the majority of days lately, if I'm being honest. I wake up thinking about burdens--the people who have done me wrong; the situations that continually fester in my life. I have an attitude of "just another day."

But it's not just another day--it is a day you have made. A day full of promise, where anything can happen. Good or bad, I already know you'll meet me there. In fact, I know you'll go ahead of me to check out the path. Good fathers do that.

I ask your forgiveness. These burdens--these thorns in my flesh--have prevented me from being truly honest with you. The human side of me is embarrassed and ashamed; but the God in me realizes the only way I am going to move from point A to point Yay is to take all my burdens to you....

And leave them there. That's the hard part for me.

But, all I can do is try. I know you'll be patient with me, as you have done so many times in the past. I know one day, I will look back on this time in my life and realize you were birthing purpose in me and the pain will all be worth it.

I am encouraged.



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